Running After Bedtime

My son’s bedtime, that is.

Last night I didn’t start my run until after 8PM. Since it was a gorgeous night temp wise I took the run outside.  Ha! Tread ya later basement ‘O Hell!

Since it’s obviously pretty dark at 8PM in October, I chose to wear running tights that had some reflective material on the legs.  I noticed that even though there are some street lights on my running route, I found myself squinting to see what or who was ahead of me.  I also did a lot of double takes thanks to my shadow.  I’m thinking I should invest in some night time running gear to help me see better in the dark and to be seen better in the dark.

So how apropos that ilaxstudio is doing a really fun giveaway for reflective running gear! All you have to do is guess her upcoming half marathon finish time! She generously provides us with her recent running stats so you don’t even have to be a running guru to venture a guess! People are getting all Price Is Right on the guessing!  See for yourself!

2 thoughts on “Running After Bedtime

  1. Courtney says:

    YAY for you running outside!!! I know it had to be much better than running in the basement of hell!!! 🙂 I am SO proud of you for your running!!!

  2. kilax says:

    Remember when I ran in your hood with my headlamp on and people were giving me funny looks? Ha ha ha. you should get a headlamp so you can recreate that 🙂 And see better.

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